Weather Rostock-Gedser

Wind, waves and storm maps for Rostock and Gedser

To get a clear overview of the weather conditions when traveling between Rostock and Gedser, take a look at the maps below. They provide key details such as wind direction, wind speed, wave height, wave direction, and precipitation.

Weather forecast at Rostock and Gedser

Rain and wind on the ferry route

Colored clouds on the map indicate where it’s raining. Arrows point in the direction the wind is blowing, letting you know what weather is on the way. Zoom out to see the weather in other areas too.

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Waves on the route

If the map shifts to purple and red, anticipate turbulent waters and be sure to get yourself ready for possible sea sickness.

However: Most of the times the weather is calm on this route (blue-ish). Even purple isn’t that bad.

If you want to know more about the weather on ferry trips also be sure to check

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